Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the Dress Studio and grandma's old Green Velvet chairs

Hello There,
Above is a dress studio I designed! I wish it was some place real, but for now its just some place I escape too. I do that often, design spaces that I want to live in, work in, play in. I find myself dreaming up places and spaces in my head. Designing them from head to toe. Modern, classic, yet very chic! I like an eclectic feel, a homey feel, lived-in, yet natural and raw all at the same time. Is that even possible? Well sure it is, if that's what makes your home a home to you. My ideas go running through my head all day long. So now I am putting them on paper! Well 'online paper' that is.

I love to design and create spaces! It's my passion, it's what makes me tick. To constantly be re-inventing myself and my ideas and putting them on paper or in an actual home, space, or building. To be innovative and expressive through design and fashion all at the same time, what more could I ask for. Is it possible to love both and incorporate both?
Well as so eloquently put sitting in her little black dress, smoking a cigarette, in all her elegance and fashion wisdom: "Fashion is Architecture: it's all a matter of proportions." -Coco Chanel.

So I will attempt to bring you both. Fashion and Architecture! What is in, What is out, and What is most definatley out! How to be inspired by both fashion and architecture and to constantly be daring and try new things. New ideas, new patterns, new prints, new colors! Lets not forget the past either, as they say: "history will repeat itself." So why not tie in a little of the past, who ever said grandma's old green velvet 'late late late-century' chairs couldn't be re-done and made beautiful with a little re-touching and some updated fabrics and trims?

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